I have so much to blog about....and so little time. We are preparing for dad's arrival home. He will be coming home next Tuesday. We are so very ready for him to be home and so very anxious that this transition is smooth. We must continue to trust God and His ulitmate plan....(but I have LOTS of questions for Him when we meet).
I am trying to get this in before my day is slammed once again. I must say, I am so amazed at all my mom and dad have done for the past 25 years. They are a testament to strength, perseverance, and patience (well maybe the patience part is mostly mom). The business my dad has created, maintained, and grown over all these years is a well-oiled machine. Corey has really stepped up and had a crash course in business and people management and is doing great!! Without him with me each day, it would be too much.
So, I have SO many pics I need to post on here, but will have to do it another time. Our family went to the zoo this week and I took some very good pics of my beautiful husband and children. You might check the blog again next week for the pictures.
In closing, I do want to share a thought. I drive through down town Tyler every day on my way here. Part of this trip goes right through the middle of the area of town where day workers wait for someone to come by. I have noticed over the last month or two that the ethinic make-up of this group has shifted. There is still a majority of hispanics, but today there was a corner of 5-10 black men, a group of 5 or so white men, and one white woman. I am so thankful that, during this economic and societal storm, the people I count as my friends are still employed and able to provide for their families. I know that I am blessed in more ways that I can share in this forum. God is still watching over those that are faithful to him.
Oh AND my dad can stand with very little assistance and can take steps with a walker. I am very proud of him. He is and always will be my daddy....and I love him very much.
Until next time.......hug your spouse and children.....make sure they know without a doubt how important they are to you. In this crazy world, it is easy to forget to tell your husband or children (or wife) how much they mean to you. Make time to tell them and show them today!!