Thursday, November 17, 2011

Homework stinks!!

This is how the hour and a half after school played out at the Lewis home today.

Sit in the car line for 25 minutes. (I don't actually mind this part because I have started a bible study podcast that I listen to during my drive to and from mom's each day.)

Get the kids in the car.

1st fight before seatbelts are on! (on who is getting in first)

2nd fight before we are out of the parking lot! ("no we are not going to Chuck-e-cheese tonight")

On to the Gresham Barn Sale because I don't think things through sometimes. (but got a few more Christmas presents. Yay!)

On the 17th NO, I think he finally realized I mean't no. Bought them a cookie...which Michael broke and switched as I was paying...back in the barn to pay for the cookie we walked out with. Please note: the "no" was not in reference to a cookie.

Home again. Home again. Ding-a-ding ding!

3rd fight before we got out of the car in the driveway (see fight 2).

4th fight because I left the scissors on the counter and Michael screamed at Katelynn for not putting them up where they belong and being responsible...huh...moving on. Don't dwell. ( I'm responsible for other things. Like homework) (see below) (insert sarcasm font)

5th fight (a repeat of fights 2 and 3). "No we are not going chuck-e-cheese. I don't care if your friends are going to be waiting for you AND if you ask again we will NEVER go back to chuck-e-cheese!"

On to homework. Ugh! I hate homework! We should get to play after school!!

Here is a list of words Katelynn refuses to learn because they are "too hawd and bowing and I hate sentences!"




These words are just too dang hard. She wants me to te her the answer and gets mad when I don't give in. (this is a genetic problem much like the ghetto booty she inherited from me. Poor kid. )

Nevermind that this is the 3rd day we have done them and she has done fine the other two days.

Nevermind that she JUST pronounced "by" but it's too "hawd" to remember.

Nevermind that there are 12 words and we can't get through the first 3.

So I made her go to her room because she was losing it. Good parenting 101: Give up when frustrated instead of patiently teaching your children. (I think that's the definition of a Proverbs 31 woman....sarcasm font here).

I am so glad I am not a teacher.

But our HOUR ends well... Katelynn came back out of her room and we made it through the words more successfully than yesterday. And now they are in their happy place.

In front of the tv. Good parenting 102!

May your days of trials and battles feel victorious by the end and provide a joy for the responsibilities we have been given.

Blessing and joy to you today...going to break up fight #6!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Memories and memory making

(you may find it interesting to note that mid-post sister marched off and i found myself in a different "place" than when the post post started)

Some days are lazy and wonderful. And full of sister giggles.

We are spending the afternoon in the art trailer again. My second favorite place. It's a glamorous place for making messes and memories. Don't worry...I'm still not ready to say anything sad. Atleast not this post.

We use the plethora of pens and papers I have collected over the years. Seriously...years! I have crayons from high school! (smelly ones like scratch and sniff). This picture doesn't even begin to show you our art madness, but it shoes our art joy!

One of the boxes I have to use is a collection of cards and letters and pictures I have received over the years. Most are from my college years.

It's fun to read the old letters and let my kids make "beautiful" things from beautiful people in my life. Memories even from childhood...

Yes mom, they still smell like strawberries. And caused a huge fight this evening. (so much for art joy).

I find it amazing that something that started so fun can turn so ugly so quickly. My children are growing and learning and trying to figure out who they are going to be in this world. This includes pushing limits and mom's buttons.

It amazes me the number of times I say "no" in a two hour period before dad gets home. An it's during this time that I feel the most inadequate and frustrated.

And then the frustration passes and we find Joy again.

Joy and laughter have been very important to me these last 27 days. And God has been faithful all 27 days.

Dearest Savior,
If I keep praying for patience, do I get credit when I forget to practice it with these beautiful, challenging children you have blessed me with? Thank you for being so faithful to me an my family. Thank you for blessing us with amazing friends that care for our hearts. May we turn to you for refuge during the storms of life and find joy in the midst of the storm. Thank you for a daddy that taught us the importance of laughter and a good joke!

Forever praising Him (even if there are a few challenging know the salty substance that even we tuff-ies find on our face sometimes)!


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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Not Ready

Today marks the third week that my family has been without our Daddy. And I am just not ready to blog about it. I'm not particularly sad, I don't think. But my sister has posted some wonderful pictures of daddy and expressed gratitude in a way that I just can't yet.

Please see Amber's

Soon I'll be ready and will have so much to say.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Lewis Upcycle.

Is that the right word? Upcycle? Recycling something you have to make something new?

I re-upcycled (made up my own word) a red poodle skirt I made last year....

And used the red felt for Captain Underpants' cape.

This is for Michael's pumpkin decorating contest at school. The only thing I did was cut the cape and help hold the underwear on.

See, the Lewis family is always thinking about the earth. I wonder if this needs to be put on pinterest? Ha!

We are hanging out in the art trailer this afternoon. One of my favorite places to play with the kids.

Praising Him for creative children and upcycled felt!


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Thursday, October 6, 2011

High Pitch Mothering

To quote my beautiful sister...."Blah". That just about sums up the attitude. The Blah of life was overshadowing the beautiful moments I have each and every single day. I am pulling myself out of the Blah. (Laughing with hubby sure does help.) So, in light of my un-blah-tification attempts, I thought I would share a light hearted moment from last night.

Prepared Dinner: Parmesean Shank-N-Bake Chicken, Ziti pasta with tomatoe alfredo sauce (and added velveeta for cheesiness), and Parmesean cheese bread slices.

Michael: Mom, I don't like the chicken.

(Note: He has commented several times in the last few months regarding my culinary adventures and has not been a big supporter of my gallant efforts.)

Me: (high pitch) Michael, do you realize that EVERY NIGHT when I put dinner on your plate, you tell me there is something you don't like on the plate. (frequency increase and speed acceleration)....Just East What I Give You.

Michael: (dejected from the not-so-loving tone from his monster mother as he walks back to the table to eat the yuck he had been served): When is dad going to start cooking again?

Sister: (from the table where she has been so quietly sitting) Mommy, I didn't want to upset you so that's why I am eating it.

Please note: She had NOT eaten the pasta. I'm sure if you asked, she would have claimed something about it being "rude".

Michael finished his dinner of HOT DOGS and CHIPS.

And it really wasn't very good. I'm learning very slowly. (*Like at a snail's pace...but I am learning).

Sigh. Trying again tonight.
I'm praising Him still...just wish life was a little easier sometimes...


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dove Hunting

 It's opening weekend for Dove season and we headed down to Belton for a weekend full of shooting and playing. We picked the kids up from school early and drove straight to Zabcikville to hunt. Michael was ready to go the very first minute we arrived. Any and everything is cooler with daddy. (and guns).

Katelynn had fun with her BFF and the dove Michael brought back to the truck.

Isn't this the most handsome hunter you have ever seen?

Katelynn and her BFF Hailey.

Deep thought. Watching for birds.

Second night. Michael was ready to shoot his own birds.

Then he decided that he was to visible and hid in the reeds. *Then got mad because I took a picture - so don't tell him you saw this....he specifically told me not to blog about it or put it on facebook.

Finishing the hunt with sister-girl watching for birds too. We may have started something. The babies had so much fun playing and getting dirty.

Praising Him for a weekend of joy!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


There are two women that walk along the road in Tyler. I have passed them several times over the past few months during my drive to mom's in the morning.

They seem to always been pulling or pushing something...and the second one ALWAYS has something under her shirt. I thought it was odd the first time I saw them. They always wear the same colored shirt. One follows the other over a big bridge. The first one has the cart an the second one stores her wares under her shirt.

No need to worry that her bra is in the way. It's obvious she hasn't worn one of those cumbersome things since Reagan was in the Whitehouse.

Yep, I enjoy watching the smugglers as they add to the local flavor of Tyler.

And that's my spoonful of joy for the day!!

Laughing and praising Him!

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Summer of Firsts

Summer went by pretty quickly. It was full of firsts for our family.....

We took Michael and Katelynn to their first Ranger Game followed by a Robert Earl Keen concert.

Katelynn had her very first haircut.

We went to see the Submarine and Battle ship on Galveston island.

We met the great Baby Kate!

We learned to ride motorized vehicles.

There were more firsts and I'll share those later (like first day of school...).
It was such a wonderful, fun filled summer.
Sister didn't cry today. She is starting to make friends. It makes my heart happy!

Joyfully praising Him!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Learning, I realize that it has been more than 18 days and both of my blog followers are wondering what has happened to me. Well, on July 9th I changed occupations from office drone to fun mom. I had the opportunity to go back to work with my brother, sister, and mom...and I jumped on the opportunity.

So for the last two months (almost), I have spent a week in Galveston, a week in California, a week in San Antonio and weeks in between playing with the kiddos at my mom's house. It's pretty sweet!

Going from full time employee and mom to full time mom and wife is quite an adjustment. This is what I have learned being full-time family....

I'm not such a terrible cook. (I appreciate the collective gasp) No, seriously. I have just about figured it out. Of course I am not near as talented as my beautiful husband, but it is definately edible!! I've been able to make dinner as I go.

I haven't burned or cut myself....yet. Who am I kidding? This is a total fluke...I'm sure it's coming!

My children are picky eaters. And that is going to change. (More on that later)

Katelynn (a.k.a. Sister-girl) talks a LOT....all the time....from Dawn to dusk....I am not kidding...all the time. (And I really like hearing what she has to tell me.) Our current word we overuse and use incorrectly is RUDE. As in, Mom, these shoes make me look rude. I want to tell her that it is her poor attitude that makes her look rude, but I am saving that argument for her Tweens....

And Sister-Girl is funny. Really funny. She has this running commentary in her mind and every once in a while she will let some of it slip out. My favorite so far is her observation of Mike's size. According to Katelynn, he has HUGE knees.

She is beginning to realize and notice the world around her. And although she has assumes life revolves around her (you can't convince her otherwise...thank you grana, aunts, uncles, and daddy) she has a beautiful delicate heart *hidden* behind that "rude" attitude.

Michael is sensitive. And loving. I have very much enjoyed special time with him. He gets his feelings hurt when others (sister) are mean to him or don't reciprocate his kindness. He has figured out that giving in to Katelynn helps the overall peace in our world.

He can spend hours playing with legos (or watching TV...that's an Ellis trait). And he is too stinking smart. He doesn't forget ANYTHING. And his imagination is funny. He likes to dress as a superhero and surprise us. (The last outfit was a mix of Iron Man, Spider man, Nerf gun, non-matching gloves, and black sparkle rain boots.)

My beautiful son accepted Jesus as his savior this summer and I am very proud of him. He is thoughtful of heaven and kindness and others. I am so thankful for my wonderful opportunity to watch him grow.

That just about catches you up. I'll get pictures posted soon.

Joyfully Praising Him!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

18 Days and Counting

God comes through exactly when you don't expect it! When I finally stopped trying to figure out my future, He did it for me. It's crazy...

My Thursday afternoon post was: Just about the time you are ready to jump out the window, God opens a door. It is true and amazing.

So I turned in my notice at work on Friday....30 day notice, which means my last day will be July 8. I'll post more about that at another time, but I wanted to share something one of my contacts sent me today.

I was sending out new contact for one of my vendors today. She replied with this....

"Take care, enjoy and love on your kids every chance you get because what you
do for and to them is what they will grow up and do. Association brings
about assimilation."

So that's all I want to post today!
Happy Wednesday!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ten Years in the Making

On June 2, 2001, the most handsome man in the world married me.
He married me.
And he loves me.
Even when I frustrate the fire out of him....He loves me.

I have no doubt in my mind that God made this man just for me.
He is all mine.
Sometimes a girl is just blessed!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sister Loves to Dance

 Here are the pictures taken on Saturday before the recital. I will try to post the video so you can see her in all her glory.

 She's getting too big!
And too beautiful!

Happy Wednesday Friends!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Drowning in Blessings

I love this song and wanted to share it today.

God uses songs to get me through my day (through the minutes....).

This one feels appropriate and is a beautiful reminder of my blessings.

So when you feel like you are drowning.....I hope you are drowning in blessings.

Praising Him for who he ALWAYS is.


Adam and Eve?

I was looking through my phone and found the following pictures.

Not sure what that was but I know their daddy was laughing!

I am pretty sure sister took the below picture herself.

You just can't help but smile. They remind me if jack spray and his wife. I'll say it again...I swear we feed him!

Happy Thursday!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Some Things are Worth Repeating (and worth hearing again)

OUT OF CONTROL! Yes, you read it right...the morons are out of control today. And it's not just no no, there are others around me that have expressed the same sentiment today. As I hung up the phone with yet another one of God's precious morons, I heard Beautiful by Mercy Me.

Just when I need to hear it and be reminded as my day goes out of control (like it was ever actually in control...) that it is not mine to control. Letting go of the anger and frustration is so freeing!

The days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much


I'm praying that you have the heart to find (I think this should be FIGHT)
Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
They are NOTHING in the shadow of the cross


Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He posessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skies above


You're Beautiful
You're Beautiful
In His Eyes.....

Sitting and listening to Him love me....I hope you have two minutes to do the same today.

Praising Him for His ridiculous creatures and finding joy in the ignorance of it all!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


This morning was challenging. Not for any good reason...I was pissy. (I remember when mom hated that expression!) And do you know why? Because I didn't get up when I should have...and I changed my outfit 3 times (everyday)...and felt frustrated because I always change 3 times...and sister felt like she needed to talk to me and tell me one mire thing. And then I looked over at this beautiful girl God gave me and tried to take a picture. But she wouldn't stay still and I got frustrated for all the reasons listed above... And I hand a weather headache...and I didn't get s good picture of her.

All very good reasons for feeling a little pissy this morning!

Then I start fighting to fix her hair and silly bubby pulls a "toot-toot"!

Happy Thursday!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nothing for April...but for May?

Do you ever feel like you run out of time for the day or the week or the month? I feel like I am constantly planing things in my little head that fall through or disappear (in my little head)!

I could swear to you that I blogged several times during April. I just knew that I had used my new fancy phone app and that I blogged about my life, nope...or maybe I thought about blogging about my life at home because my phone pictures are blurry. Of course that would require that I turn on my computer at home, which seems like a tremendously difficult task considering the fact that I sit in front of a computer ALL day at work! I just can't make myself sit at another desk. Not when there is such quality programming on after my children stop fighting and get to sleep!

If you know me, you probably know that life has been extraordinarily difficult in the last few months. If you don't know me, you might want to click the button at the top of the screen for the next blog. Or go to some of my favorites...Amber's Blog  Kate's Blog  Jo's Blog  Jana's Blog ....there are so many.

(you ready?)

Our family has been facing some extreme times. Extreme highs and extreme lows...and they are exhausting. My dad had a stroke 2 years ago. He will be 57 on Sunday. It was a pretty bad one. He is paralyzed on his left side. It is not fun to talk about.

In August of last year my dad was put on hospice because his cardiac output was under 20%. To me this means that 20% of his heart works. He has a fibrillator from his heart attack he had about 10 years ago. We've known that his heart was weak. We knew he was getting weaker. I think I knew it. Sometimes it is hard to remember what I know or think or feel and how long it has been that way. The "blah-ness" of it seems to mush together in the toilet of life. (gross)

So we didn't think he would be here at Thanksgiving....but Granddad wasn't supposed to be either and he made it through two....Then we were kinda worried about Christmas....then we were told in January that he had a week to live..he was still with us in February...then in March my brother got married.....then in April he went to hospice....then we were told he was in kidney failure (Monday) and would be in a coma by Thursday and in Heaven by Monday....then the following Tuesday (yes, one day after he was going to be in Heaven) they decided to send him home because (in my opinion...) he wasn't dying fast enough.

Now we are in May....Dad's birthday is upon us. (*And AUNT JO's by the way...Happy Birthday beautiful! Lucinda Rocks!) And it seems to me that we are still sprialing in the same circumstances of life that feel like they are trying to pull us under. And I just don't know what I am supposed to do with it. And I just don't know how I am supposed to feel about it.

Part of the difficulties I have experienced is understanding who he is or what he knows. I know that part of him left with the stroke. I forget that things are not the same because he is still sitting in the chair in his underwear covered with a blanket when guests arrive...just like in high school.

But now he is in a hospital bed.
But now he doesn't have the same sense of humor he had before.
But now he isn't the same and he can't do things for himself (instead of just not wanting to because mom would).
But now I have children that are going to grow up having faded memories of this man that was larger than life.

And I just don't know what's next.

Do you ever feel like you run out of time for the day or the week or the month?

But in the midst of it all....I am still praising HIM for who he always is...and will continue to be!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


We spent the weekend in Houston with the Lewis family...all of them. It was wonderful. We got together to celebrate Papa Joe's birthday and have a great time meeting family and sharing stories all afternoon. Even though it was a quick trip, the kids did great. We had a yard for football and egg smashing with swings, a jungle gym and a slide.


Michael learned how to jump out of the swing.

Kayelynn learned to stand in the swing.

Sweet boy!


Michael smashed a confetti egg on Aunt Alicia's head.

Katelynn gingerly egged Aunt Jo.

Papa Joe and Mike.

Papa Joe and Aunt Jo.

It was such a beautiful day. Thanks to Grammy for all her hard work getting it all organized. It was just wonderful. I think I said that earlier but it is definitely worth repeating. We don't get to see this side of the family very fact, I met Mike's cousins for the first time.

So let me just say...great day!
Praising Him for family and for blessings every day!


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