Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's me, It's me

I got inspiration from my dear friend and decided to post a picture of me and sister to show that the blog creator is not just a "ghost writer". More to blog, but so very tired. That and my kindergarterner is begging, begging, begging, for "just one more snack". He only had "1, not 2, or 3, or 4". He just needs one more. "Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more (sister interruptions) I just need one more, one more, I just need one more momma, I just need one more, I just need one more. I just need one more, I just need one more, i just need one more. Why are you laughing? Why are you copying me? Momma, why are you copying me on there? Momma, why are you copying me on there? Momma, why are you copying me on there? momma....I just need one more. I just need one more. "

SERIOUSLY!!! He repeated it that many times. I was laughing so hard that Mike had to come see what the heck I was doing it. (He thinks I am losing it....I am not convinced I am not.)

Good thing he is pretty like his daddy! (Look at those eyes!)

Kindergarten here we are!

Monday morning, August 24, 2009, and he is now an official big kid. No longer my baby. I even took a grown-up step outside of my comfort zone and we on TAX FREE WEEKEND to buy him some very cool shoes that were NOT ON SALE. Amazing. It's almost like I am now an official big girl!

Official First Day of School picture at the house on the front steps.

The whole family went together to Michael's new school.

Office First Day of School picture in front of his school.

He put his big kid back-pack (Harley, of course) on his hook.

Found his apple that showed us where he will sit.

Started coloring....and was ready to start his day.

And in case you were wondering, I did cry...a little bit. On the down the hallway leaving Michael's classroom, daddy and sister walked in front. I took that time to get it together. (I even thought ahead and wore waterproof mascara...just in case.)

By the end of the Kindergarten hallway, composure was back and I was a proud mother of a kindergarterner. Whew!

Mohawk no more!



The Hokey Pokey?

Yeah, that's what we think it is...you will have to decide for yourself!

And since it is Katelynn's absolute favorite song right now, she is singing it ALL THE TIME. During one recent "concert" at the Lewis house, Katelynn added some new moves.

To get the real effect, I took "stills" of the "concert".

The lead singer for the Lewis concert is the one, the only....Michael Lewis. During the last concert he had an acoustic set, a rock ballad, and bowed after the performance.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sister is a Rock Star

I am an equal opportunity blogger, but something just happened to the computer and I lost the really creative post regarding sister....and now I have maxed out my computer time and will not be able to post another good one before another fight. (and I was doing so good).

Our resident rock star, a.k.a. Sister, loves the song "So What" by Pink. Her rendition goes like this, "Sho what, I'm a wok staw, I got my wok moos, an i no knee you." She got a barbie guitar today during our school shopping trip (see below). I have been home about an hour and have already decided this is going to Grana's house (I love you mom!).

Looks a lot like Janis Joplin. They speak the same language at least. We have a few standing rules at the house....no thumb-sucking in the living room (this one is new...and I don't think it will last), keep your hands out of your pants at all times (stop laughing, it is a real rule) and no hair brushing on the weekends (which explains our "rock-star" look).

Kindergarten here we come!

Michael starts school in two weeks. I was going to be pro-active and school shop before the weekend before school. Early, easy, done. HA!! The picture above if our school supply list. We had to go online to find it because they did not have a copy for Michael's school at Wal-Mart when we went yesterday. I assumed (or maybe hoped) that mean't we didn't need any supplies to start school. Once again...HA! (I am so naive).

Once we got Katelynn down enough for us to sneak out of the house, off we went to school shop. We tried Ross first. Found a cool pair of hiking boots and a couple shirts. Decided to go to marshall’s. Found a new toy, got sister one too. Oh, and a shirt. So, we really struck out at the cool places and decided to try Wal-Mart. We have to get the actual school supplies anyway, so why not.

Yeah, seems like everyone follows me to Wal-Mart. (It is very rude.) I felt like I was on some kind of super specific scavenger hunt. The supplies Wal-Mart has marked down to pennies each….are not on our list.
Well, we have glue on the list, but not the SIZE Wal-Mart has out and cheap.
We have pencils on the list and it is actually the right brand, but we need 12 not 10, so we bought two packages.
Crayola Markers….surely this will be easy….nope. Can’t find the washable.
Okay, crayons are next. Four boxes of 16 ct. We found one box, need 3 more.
Spiral notebooks, need four specific colors in wide rule….and so does everyone else in the state of Texas.

Moving on to the other items on the list. Hand sanitizer….don’t have 8 oz, have to buy the 12 oz. Gallon size baggies….don’t have the 25 ct, have to buy the 40 ct.

Half-way thru the Wal-Mart portion of the afternoon, Michael took my list and decided he would write and draw (see illustration below). Then asked the question of the day…
”Mom, how do you spell bored?” Ain’t life grand.
This is a picture of me and Michael on our very first school supply shopping trip.

This is too many bubbles in the bath. (not school supply related, but I HAD to share!)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Now what do we talk about.....

It seems that I am at a loss for words. It has taken me about 20 minutes to get logged into blogspot to post and I am over and above frustrated. See, all I wanted to do was share, but NOOOOOO, I have to forget my password, try 30 times again, reset it.....Now, I don't have anything to say. (Pull yourself off the floor...I can come up with something.)

I am ispired by my friend Miranda's blog. She posts all the time. Even at 4 am when one of her sweet boys decides he needs her. I always read her's and think...I really need to be a better blogger.

And now sister is crying. She just does not like storms. Maybe I be a good blogger at another time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just Pictures for You to Enjoy

Finally a post....is that what you are thinking? So, I am only posting pictures. My job is good. Dad is good. Life is good.
GRADUATION.....ready for Kindergarten??? (I cried!)
Well, what kind of super heros reside at your house? We have batman and pull-up girl...able to poop in a single sitting!!

We went to the Tyler Zoo. Lots of fun.

Dad and sister at the zoo.

I will try to post more....hope you enjoy the pictures.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sand and Sun....oh what fun!

My wonderful super handsome husband took our family to Houston and Galveston over the last several days. It was wonderful and refreshing. Of course I forgot my camera today. Once I get myself in gear, I will post some of the great pictures taken and provide more details of how great this trip was.
On Monday, I start a new job with the hospital. I am a little nervous about the change and ready for this new step. I think... I am just very glad that Mike took our family for this little retreat to prepare for this next phase in our life.
Until later.....get ready for the pictures...they are pretty good!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Dancin' Machine

This makes me laugh.

My super talented son. In case you can't here it, Brass Monkey is playing the background. I have a new camera and lots of pictures...but I have not taken the time to do much with it. I did not want to go another week without blogging something....

I hope this brings a smile to your face. Video-ed by Dad.....his comment.....he has mad phat dancin' skills like his momma.....makes me proud! ENJOY!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

While I am thinking about it....

I have so much to blog about....and so little time. We are preparing for dad's arrival home. He will be coming home next Tuesday. We are so very ready for him to be home and so very anxious that this transition is smooth. We must continue to trust God and His ulitmate plan....(but I have LOTS of questions for Him when we meet).

I am trying to get this in before my day is slammed once again. I must say, I am so amazed at all my mom and dad have done for the past 25 years. They are a testament to strength, perseverance, and patience (well maybe the patience part is mostly mom). The business my dad has created, maintained, and grown over all these years is a well-oiled machine. Corey has really stepped up and had a crash course in business and people management and is doing great!! Without him with me each day, it would be too much.

So, I have SO many pics I need to post on here, but will have to do it another time. Our family went to the zoo this week and I took some very good pics of my beautiful husband and children. You might check the blog again next week for the pictures.

In closing, I do want to share a thought. I drive through down town Tyler every day on my way here. Part of this trip goes right through the middle of the area of town where day workers wait for someone to come by. I have noticed over the last month or two that the ethinic make-up of this group has shifted. There is still a majority of hispanics, but today there was a corner of 5-10 black men, a group of 5 or so white men, and one white woman. I am so thankful that, during this economic and societal storm, the people I count as my friends are still employed and able to provide for their families. I know that I am blessed in more ways that I can share in this forum. God is still watching over those that are faithful to him.

Oh AND my dad can stand with very little assistance and can take steps with a walker. I am very proud of him. He is and always will be my daddy....and I love him very much.

Until next time.......hug your spouse and children.....make sure they know without a doubt how important they are to you. In this crazy world, it is easy to forget to tell your husband or children (or wife) how much they mean to you. Make time to tell them and show them today!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Toot-Toot’s Update

We had a pretty nice weekend. The kids and I worked in the garden and planted lettuce, potatoes, and sugar snap peas.

We visited toot-toot and hung out with daddy. Not much to tell, but I did get some pretty good pictures of Mom, dad, and the kiddos. Hope you enjoy.

Katelynn has learned how to work the "robot bed".

Dad still likes to be on the phone. I think he is the only person in therapy that wears his phone on his collar. The stroke has had a little effect on dad's phone etiquette....so if he calls you and just hangs up, he didn't have anything else to say. I do want to note that he has already improved in this area. The first day he called me and hung up I freaked out and drove up to the hospital. Now he will hand the phone to mom or say bye as he closes it.

Daddy is the best speed reader ever. (Not from this weekend, but I wanted to share the picture.)
Have a great week!!! Hugs to your family!!!

The 2 sides of Sister

This really is her. Sweet, sleeping, so cute you could just cuddle....when she is sleeping. Since I boast so loudly of her toot-ness, I thought I would post a sweet and a funny sister moments.

Papa Joe loves to give Michael and Katelynn singing toys. The very first one was a singing chicken that sang “Mony…Mony”. Sister found it and could not control herself….she had to move. I am usually not very good about capturing these moments…but I could not miss this one. So below is Katelynn’s rendition of “Here he comes now, he’s the Easter bunny…”. Take note that once she sees me with the camera, she grabs her chicken and stops dancing. Turns out she is a private dancer.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Recovery…Basketball…TV…Trains? (see last paragraph)

….these are a few of my favorite things. Recovery of a right-sided stroke can take up to a year. Every day we are seeing improvement and are encouraged by dad’s desire to get better. We have to watch him because he wants to do things on his own so badly, but is just not strong enough yet. He is getting there. Basketball shoot-outs in room 139 are a daily occurrence. Dad got a basketball goal that we set up across his room. Michael is having fun “winning the championships” every day when we visit. Dad is getting good at hitting the nurses. TV is much better when it is attached to a mechanical arm and can be moved to accommodate your position. Michael still loves this feature of dad’s room. He has also become quite the expert at maneuvering Toot Toot’s “robot” bed. Katelynn has even warmed up to this new environment and went for a “ride” on the bed.

According to what I have read, recovery for a right-brained stroke takes from 3 months to a year. Three months is the minimal amount of time for recovery. It is possible to recover lost functions/memories/abilities within this time with intense and correct therapy. The fact that the family feels there is some improvement already is very encouraging.

I am trying to learn what I need to know for dad’s recovery. My struggle (because this really is all about me…HA) is relating to the therapists and understanding their process (or lack there of, in my opinion). Dad has three different kinds of therapists working with him every day. Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, and Physical Therapy. These three work together to give dad a better all-encompassing rehab process. They overlap and are all necessary in order to restore normalcy in dad’s life. I will blog later regarding their specific functions (Amber...this helped me understand more).

For now, Corey and I are working to keep the business going and all the drivers have stepped up to pull their weight and then some. Each day begins anew…we are facing the challenges head on.

The light at the end of the tunnel is a train coming BUT what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…we have faced so much in the last two weeks that I know I am stronger that the train. BRING IT ON!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Dad

On January 31 at 11:45 pm, my dad had a massive stroke. Mom and Corey called 911 and got him to the hospital in record time. They were able to do two treatments that busted the clot but there was some residual damage due to the lack of oxygen to a small part of his brain.

So at 9 am Sunday morning, the family was told to get to the hospital and get Amber and her family in to say our last goodbyes.....silly doctors don't know my God and the power of prayer. Needless to say...they were wrong (thank you God) and my dad is making progress each day. He stayed at the hospital until Friday, then was moved to a rehab facility to begin therapy. Saturday morning dad was sitting up in a wheel chair (first time sitting in a week) and Sunday he was able to sit up a little by himself. In fact, I went to see him Sunday morning around 9:30 and he had moved himself around the corner to the windows. We went outside and enjoyed the sun a little before his morning therapy began.

Dad started his occupational, speech, and physical therapy on Monday and was TIRED. BUT, three therapists helped him and had him standing for a short period of time. Good news...no dizziness.

We have a meeting this afternoon with all of dad's therapists to discuss the prognosis, progress made over the last two days, and anything else we want/need to know. He will be in this facility for about two months (according to his pissy Case Manager - we need to pray for her attitude) but we are praying that dad continues to fight and make improvement each day. Mom's goal is to have him out of the hospital by their anniversary, April 16.

Anyway, that's what has been happening around here. Corey and I are trying to keep the business going and keep from losing our minds. Dang, daddy sure did keep this all together. I hope we can do half as good a job as him.

Michael thinks dad's room is the coolest because the TV is right in front of the bed. AND toot-toot's bed has a work out ring. (Hanging above the bed so he can pull himself up.) Katelynn has not quite figured out what is going on.