There are times for blogging heartfelt thoughts and sharing the insanity that is my life. Then there are other times when I just can't blog because the words don't come and I am not ready to really share what we are experiencing. It helps to be preoccupied with the kids and the day to day tasks that fill up the space in between my thoughts.
So I am sharing my family with the world. My family. My blessing. Something I have and I treasure. I spent the weekend with my family. Mike kept the kids home so that the distractions weren't there and I enjoyed every off colored joke and story that make up the seasons of the Ellis family and my dad's far.
As I sat there soaking in those precious moments that will become lost and mixed in with the other joyful family memories I have I thought of Mary (Jesus' mom) and the verse that basically says she just soaked it all in. What a wonderful gift....time to soak it all in.
....just soaking it all in.....This is my dad and the grandkids.
Aren't we blessed to have experienced so many seasons? Aren't we blessed to have so many to love?
Praising Him for who He Always is....
...soak it all in!