I have finally figured out how to blog from my computer at mom's house. This is a significant step in a positive direction...if the direction we are going is toward an actual more-than-yearly blog. Then, yay! We have made it to two!
In celebration of my sudden attempt, I thought I would post pictures of the people in my life that make me so happy....the generators of JOY.
Aren't we too cool? I love hats. I always have loved hats. I am so glad (much to their daddy's dismay) that the kids like hats too!
This is one of my favorites of Katelynn and her daddy.
We are so blessed to have a family that actually likes eachother. Today marks six months since dad left us to be with his heavenly father. To celebrate that, I am included a picture of my Ellis family because each one of them gives me special joy each day.
OOOH, they are going to get in so much trouble together in about 10 years!!
He is my rock. The sweetest little man ever. I'm reading a book right now called "That's My Son: How Moms can influence Boys to become Men of Character". I am so impressed with the boy he is and can't wait to see the man he becomes. I can not say enough about the compassion and kindness he shows to our family daily....even his stinky sister.
Speaking of stink sister....she's so quiet when she's asleep. ;)
We had a dentist tell us a couple of years ago that there was no need to fight the thumb sucking battle because we would KNOW an orthodontist well in a few years.
(That wasn't encouraging....and we are still fighting the thumb-sucking battle daily. Mostly I just make up random thumb-sucking rules. --no thumb-sucking in the car, when I brush your hair, etc.)
Sweet sister girl. I read the sweetest blog yesterday about being the mother to a daughter (here).
Katelynn is an extra special source of Joy to me...when we aren't fighting.
Little man helping me cook (a disasterous meal...really, it was quite aweful).
One of my favorite things to do it paint. I love Pinterest because I can copy all kinds of great ideas. I am not an original painter. I like to copy a great picture and take all the credit. We hung this one in sister's room above her bed.
So he's 6'6" and his arms still aren't quite long enough to get sister's head in the picture.
This beautiful girl is so much like me. I'm so sorry world...there are two of us.
We have extra kids after school this week. One of them is 10. She sat in the front seat and sang to me the whole time we drove around yesterday. She started by telling me she was in the choir which "should mean you can sing really well, but she really can't sing that well". Then she sang in English and Spanish. It was a new experience that made me pause and think....Katelynn is going to start singing to me even more?? And in another language?? (exhaustion)
The tall one...JOY!
We are so blessed to have a wonderful church family.
We have so many great friends at church.
And I can see the kids developing those life long friendships and it makes my heart smile.
The week before Easter I found two wonderful articles about praying for your husband and children. Each one is a 31 day prayer challenge that I have decided to keep in my car and use as a revolving 31 day prayer plan for my family. (From Reviveourhearts.com)
Let's see what you think of Day 1.
Day 1 (Husband): Pray that your husband will grow spiritually and consider his accountability before the Lord. Pray that he will guard his heart by developing spiritual disciplines - Bible reading and study, prayer, meditation, scripture memorization, etc. (2 Peter 3:18, Proverbs 4:23)
Day 1 (Kids): Salvation - "Lord, let salvation spring up within my children, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory." (Isian 45:8, 2 Timothy 2:10)
So to sum up.....JOY! Yep, it's a good thing.
Praising Him for who He always is!