Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Letters to my Children: Counting Down

****Letters to our Children is a monthly blog circle made up of crazy talented photographers/mothers. We have bigs and littles and we take this time each month to stop and write our people. After you read the adventures of M and K, hop over to Kasey's blog here. 
Hop around until you get back here.**** 

Dearest M and K,

We are officially counting down so many things in our lives.

3 more days until we move everything we can to the new house (and sleep on floors and out of suitcases for two weeks because of the next countdown...)

12 more days of school...of elementary school for Michael...of Tyler schools where we have always been... (unless we skip the last day of school, then its 11).

15 more days until we close on the Tyler house and are moved in our new home.

24 days until we go on vacation with the family.

Counting down. And while we count we are in the middle of all of it. Not settled. Not really living at one house or the other. Not going to church anywhere consistently yet. Not going to dance anymore. It has been hard.

This transition has been so good for you to get through all the stages of mourning and finally be ready to live at the new house, in the new town, with the new church, school, and people. But the next 3 weeks we will be in a harder holding pattern than we have experienced in the last 6 months.

Dearest Little man.... no more elementary school. 

Cheese and Crackers I AM NOT READY. There is no way you are big enough to be in middle school. And being 10 almost 11 is so hard. Are you a little kid or a big kid? Do you need me to help you or not? Do you want me to parent you or not? Can you handle staying up a little later or not? Do you need your own phone like all your friends? (NO)

Every year on your birthday and the week after I decide I don't like the new age. Turned 8....8 took away my sweet little boy. Turned 9... 9 is worse in the attitude department than 8. Turned 10...10 and your eyes roll like you are a teenager. How will you ever roll those eyes harder or cut them slighter at me when you are a teen? (Maybe you should back off a little so you have room to grow your teenage disgust and expression.)

Next month you will be 11 in a new town, at a new school, at a new church, with new friends.  Keep your head held high. I'm proud of the great change you are accepting and facing head on. I'm proud that you are ready to be at the farm and ready to experience whatever it is we will be facing in our new place. 

I'm am proud of the little man I see you becoming everyday...

Sweet Sister-girl....you are wearing me smack out. 

This emotional roller coaster we are on every day is exhausting and frightening. I can only imagine how this is effecting you and your sweet little mind and body. 

I'm so sorry you are a girl and that being a girl sucks sometimes. I'm so sorry that I'm the meanest mommy in the galaxy and that I never listen to you. I'm so sorry that I am actually listening and I don't know how to help you sometimes.

I understand that moving has taken its toll on you physically and spiritually. I understand that you feel homeless and lost with your stuff spread in two places and a countdown to the new life you cannot fathom. I know because I'm drowning right along with you.

Girlfriend, your new room is going to be fabulous. Your new friends are going to be fabulous. And your new school is going to be fabulous.... (even with the uniforms that take away your "fashion freedom"....). 

I am so proud that you are ready to take this on even when it effects you in uncontrollable ways.

You are gonna rock this little town and leave joy in your wake. 

Days...that's what we have. You are equipped to fight and succeed. And we will do this together.

Have a good day.
Be a good friend.
Put your smile on.
Remember that I love you.


****Letters to our Children is a monthly blog circle made up of crazy talented photographers/mothers. We have bigs and littles and we take this time each month to stop and write our people. After you read the adventures of M and K, hop over to Kasey's blog here.
Hop around until you get back here.****