Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just a thought

Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future, Faith is the courage to dance to it today.

I hope you have time today to dance a little jig!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I love him!

I know I am the luckiest woman in the world.

I know he loves me and the kids more than anything.

I know he thinks of us and puts us first always.

I know I love him more that I can express in words.

...There are just too many reasons to list. Mostly because we look so dang cool!

He is the love of my life.....I LOVE HIM!


...Spider Girl, Spider Girl, Does whatever the Spider Boy does!
Michael has liked spiderman long enough for us to have to costumes of different sizes. They are SO ALIKE that they both have on spiderman UNDERWEAR. (Her underware are worn over her diaper...Like she needs more padding.) You all know how cheap I am....would it be too much to have this be our Halloween costumes? Do you think she will be mad in ten years to see that I have posted pictures of her dressed up in a spiderman costume - not to mention her hiney? Should I be a good mom and get them new costumes, her's a little more feminine? Don't they look so happy!!??!!

Lauren's Party

Michael has a best friend named Lauren. We have been friends with Lauren and Mallory since the kids were 3 months old. One of the funnest days we have each year is at Lauren's birthday party. This year the kids played in the pool and the ghetto-bounce house. They had way too much fun. In this picture they were taunting one of the grownups. We really do have fun and laugh a lot when we play with Lauren and her family. It has been fun to watch Lauren grown into a beautiful little girl. I hope they remain friends forever.

And Sharon - the other picture is for you......looks like Lauren's mom (Sharon) had fun TOO!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Helee's Hiney--ooooooo

Sister and I got to spend a day with just Amber and Helee. We had a great day doing nothing and playing outside. He-Man LOVES the water. Watch the video as he spins.....and then sways.....Fun Stuff!

Sister on a "horse"

So, the story goes, when I was about 2, I begged mom to let me ride the coin-operated horse in front of a very busy Houston grocery store at 5 on a Friday afternoon. Mom-as strict as she was-refused. I continued my plea with Dad. (Who was asleep in the couch). He agreed and took me and the video camera. After a few seconds of normal trotting on the majestic horse, a little kick sped it up.....and it went faster and faster. Mom, who was standing by for support, could barely contain herself as she uncontrollably laughed and her only daughter (at the time) getting whip-lash on a crappy coin-operated horse at some old dirty grocery store in the bad part of Houston. (See how the story changes as I try to stick up for my poor self 30 years later). WELL....as you see in the video, Mom was being very supportive of my future equestrian efforts. (I am afraid of horses to this day) I only hope sister can look back and laught at herself as I have....ENJOY!

West Texas

Yep - on a horse all by himself. This is the third time I have tried to post pictures and write about our visit to West Texas to see Amber, Tanner and Helee. I am just going to post the pictures and video. (The first time I wrote a lot....)