This may be shocking to some of you but I feel like I really need to be honest. Okay, here goes. I am not the best blogger…Now that you have picked yourself off the floor I will try to make my first post of 2009 eloquent and read-worthy. (Yes, I like to make up words. They make me sound smart…because you just thought to yourself, is that a real word? Is she that smart? See, I am in your head now!)
I actually thought I would make an attempt at a New Year’s resolution. 2009 will be my “self year”. Now let me clarify.
This will be a year that I have more of the following:
Self-control, Self-esteem, Self-love, Self-reliance, Self-……anything else that is positive.
I decided, if I am not the best Self I can be, than I am not the best self that others need me to be. (My husband, my children, my work, my friends, my family)
So that's all I have. I am trying to get some pictures off my camera, but its not quite working right at this moment. I will post some of the kids later.
Below is a picture of Mike, Tanner, and Katie from our Christmas dinner.