Monday, January 25, 2010

Winter Wonderland

A few weeks ago it was really really cold here. In order to keep the pipes from freezing, my fabulous husband kept the waterhose spraying and made a winter wonderland beside the house. Michael and Katelynn loved it and had a great time. I hope every one stayed warm and is ready for the warmer weather.

Daddy showed Michael how to eat them....but warned against yellow ones!

So, it looks like I only took pics of Michael during the Winter Wonderland Celebration. I promise we let her play also. I think I took these pictures while she was napping.
If you listen (turn up your speakers) you can hear him singing a little tune to himself in this video.

Michael, Katelynn, and I worked on the garden Sunday. We pulled weeds and tilled up the dirt. It turns out, my tilling and hoeing muscles are not used on a regular basis. I was sweating and huffing and puffing. We found several snails and doodle bugs, a frog, a skink, fire ants (found me acutally), 4 onions, and the strawberry plant (it survived woo-hoo).

My neighbor (Lorelei's mom) has inspired me to really pay attention to the garden. I will be blogging more about the garden. I am going to actually take advantage of the great space Mike created and really go for it. I will do it...just like blogging....I will do it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

All Grown Up

Uncle Corey graduated from the University of Texas at Tyler on December 11, 2009. We are very proud. I have lots of pictures, but it turns out...none of them were very good. I am sure it is the camera, not me. But I did want to upload at least one picture to show the "world" how proud I am of Corey's accomplisment. With the year we had, it is even more of an accomplishment.

Contrats Corey. You make us all very proud. I just wish you could have helped with the Gingerbread house!

Smiling, not singing

Katelynn had a Christmas program early in December. We didn't realize she was practicing her songs (since we couldn't understand the words she was singing). Turns out it was jingle bells...maybe. Katelynn stood up on stage and smiled, but never uttered a word. Good thing Ms. Ki-ki was there to sing, so we knew why her class was on stage.

Just chillin' waiting for her turn to sing.

After the program, we went to her room for happy meals. I ended up staying for an hour and reading to the class the books they received during their book exchange. God Bless the ladies at the daycare....not what I want to do all day. (An hour was stretching it)

In the end, Katelynn got her Happy Meal and we read about 10 books. Whew, what a day.

Katelynn's Class

Mercy, Peace and Love to You in abundance

I found the title in Jude today and thought it would be a good start to a year full of blogging. Yeah, I am "saying" it again. I am going to be a better blogger. I actually brought the computer to the couch during a football game. Now, I didn't say I was going to be focused and dedicated, just a better blogger and this is at least a start. I have lots of picture of the kids that I am going to post. I want to make sure all who read or glance or happen upon the website have a wonderful's gotta be better than 2009!!

Love to all,
Mike, Tiffany, Michael, & Katelynn Lewis