Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blessing Them

Although I fail daily at perfection, I continue to get up out of my bed each morning and strive to be the mother my children need. I think whatever that is can change daily. And some days I fail earlier than others.

We have decide to start each morning with the blessing found in Numbers.

The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

I've saved a picture of it as my phone's lock screen so I can say it in the car on the way to school.

I want this to be something we say when we leave each other. Like when my mom would say, "Remember who you belong to." I'm still trying to get it to "stick" but Katelynn reminded me this morning, so it just might work.

We are also reading the kids' Jesus Calling devotions. We read the adult version last year but some of it was a little deep.

It's a nice way to start the day focusing on Jesus since that focus is lost so easily by 8:30.

We also try to pray. They pray or I pray. Some days Katelynn gets frustrated because Michael cuts her off. Other days Michael doesn't feel like praying and sister takes the stage. Each morning is quite different. Last year a few times, sister got on to me for keeping my eyes open. (please note, I'm driving... Safety first).

This is still a good start to the day. Even those days when I pray for God to "fix Katelynn's bad attitude"... At least we are going to God. And I hope that this will show my kids to go to him, especially on those frustrating days!!

Praising Him for who he always is!!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day Blues

I like summer. I like the sunshine and a nice tan! I like having freedom to do nothing. Or something. And I really enjoy my summer bubble. We are only exposed to people, places, and things we chose. Our family is together (A LOT) and we can sleep in to 7.

Yep, summer is nice. Of course I couldn't appreciate it's true beauty until this week. The first week of school. Summer is over, dead, finished. And we don't have free some to do whatever, whenever, however. Strangers are dictating our days and minutes. They decide when we have to be somewhere, how we will be dressed when we get there, who we will be exposed to (many outside of our summer bubble) and how long this exposure will last.

First Day of School. It made it here when I was ready for it. 3rd and 1st. We are getting bigger. I wasn't stressed about school or teachers or friends. I know God is in control and totally has my kids covered.

But at 2:15am first day of school when my unclaimed anxiety took hold, I still didn't worry. I quoted the words I know and claimed peace for my children.

And God gave us a great first day. I'm so thankful. It's so nice to pick up smiling children.

Dear God, Thank you for my beautiful children. Guide us through this year. Lead me to be the mother they need to become who you plan for them to be. Help me be protective but full of grace, patient and mercy. Thank you for our teachers and school and for new people we will meet this year. Please allow us to be used for your purpose this year and to show your love daily. Amen.

Praising Him for who He is!!