Started with a motorcycle ride at pap Joe's...
Then to NASA (see below)....the to the coast to see Aunt Linda and Uncle John.
Feeding the seagulls loaves and loaves of bread. Aunt Linda and Granny made sure we were never out of seagull food. (Which included left over pancakes and cupcakes during our stay)
Of course we made time to watch tv...obviously my children!!
And family time too.
Our trip also included a trip to NASA. Not as educational as it sounds but fun none the less. (Think educational-ish chuck e cheese + moon stuff...)
We came back tired and spring broken. And I found the following pictures taken by my children.
Seriously...over 20 of him from this seat.
Thank you to all of our family for entertaining and loving us!!
So many reasons to be joyful!
Please come back soon! The seagulls are getting skinny.