Monday, September 30, 2013

Drowning in Blessings

We spent a part of our afternoon at a funeral yesterday. My sweet friend lost her daddy a week after he had a massive stroke.... just like my daddy. Husband, Michael and I went to show our love for my friend and her family.

(Insert honesty: Michael went because he is still pulling his "crap-kid" moves and we didn't want to expose this alter ego to the sweet family that watched Katelynn during the funeral).

(I also want to insert that I think attending funerals is an important life experience. I think seeing and feeling grief and sadness for the loss of life gives value to life itself.)

So we went and sat at the service. And listened to beautiful words being said about a kind man that loved Jesus. I'm reminded of the hope my family felt when we knew that my daddy was with Jesus. And although I have this hope and peace, I still feel sad and miss my dad. Yesterday this was exaggerated. And I was emotionally spent and exhausted by the end of the day.

And then, my mom sent me this video she recorded for her church. It is perfect. It communicates our sadness and hope. And it's something I just wanted to share with you.

She recorded this for her church. So, if you ever wondered where some of my awesomeness came from, here's the maternal half of it. I have my dad's height, girth, and wit. ;)

The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace
Numbers 6:24-26

Let me also go ahead and say, if you don't know about this peace we have or understand this love for Jesus, we'd love to tell you about it.

Joyfully full of it...blessings!


1 comment:

  1. Paula, your sharing of your experiences and your very broken and yet so treasured heart is very touching and full of timely truth. May you comfort others as you have been comforted, even as you did in this awesome video. Please forgive those of us who could not be there for you in person. Many of us are seeing and hearing answers to the heartfelt prayers and petitions made in behalf of Tommie/Daddy/Toot Toot and his family.
    You are running the race and will win the prize!
    We see where Tiffany gets that greatness and gladness in the midst of testing.
    With continued prayers for you and yours, and blessings to you from Leon and Paula.
