Thursday, August 20, 2015

Letter to my children: August

I'm not sure if you knew this, but we moved this summer to a new town. And just as we were beginning to adjust, school started. Along with new crayons, came new feels. The hard, lonely, new kid (mom) feels. And so not cool. I thought we were good with the move. I thought we were done with new. I thought wrong.

Dear Michael,

Dude! A locker? Eight classes? Pre-Athletics? No hometown teacher to buy teacher gifts for? This is such new territory. I walk in the school and no one knows me or cares that I'm your mom. You are the star of this show. You walked in to meet the teacher with a confidence that floored me. 

"New teachers? What's the big deal? Completely new halls and people? Whatever...New doesn't phase me anymore..." (Not his words-my interpretation of the strut.)

You have made new friends. Good friends. You are always with said friends. I'm embracing that you are becoming a package deal. I want you, then I get the boys. It is such a wonderful deal. I'm so proud of you. 

You decided to throw a new baseball team in while we were floundering in our "new" this summer.  So cool. So confident. It has helped our family transition better than any awkward play date I could have mustered. 

Thank you. Thank you for leading us when I just wanted to sit in a corner. Y

I love you boy!

Heavenly Father, thank you for my Michael. Thank you for all our new and for holding on to our family so tightly even when we were struggling to break free. We prayed for You to go ahead of us and I'm so grateful you have prepared a place for him. Please protect his head and heart this year. Let him be a light to the people at school. May he lead others to you. I pray for him to be bathed in peace and wisdom this year. Amen. 

Beautiful Katelynn,

As we close the summer books and enter 4th grade, you have matured exponentially. You use big words, talk fast, and have a wit that is matched only by your handsome daddy. 

You have faced fears this summer and done it gracefully and confidently. You've endured pain in a mature way and have expressed your pain and hurt with words instead of sass or whine (most days). 

No friends yet and You are so okay with it (most of the time). Your decision. And you told me that you will make friends on your own time. The friendships I was trying to force are not your style. So wise. 

I'm excited for you and the next year we will face together. I'm ready for you to walk confidently into your school and know your place within the halls. I know you your own way and in your time. 

Even your mirror is encouraging and empowering. 

"Perfect outfit!"

"I love myself"

"You rock"

"Have an awesome day".

Girlfriend, you do rock. 
I love you to the moon.

Heavenly Father, thank you for this girl. She floors me with her heart and her love for others. She is kind and thoughtful. Please continue to protect her heart and her mind. Watch her as she meets so many new people. May she remain confident and full of a healthy amount of self-love. May I learn from her example. Give her wisdom and boldness to love others well. Amen. 

I'm participating in a monthly blog circle with some beautifully talented mothers. Hop over to Terri's blog here or using the link below and see what she and Michelle are up to. 

1 comment:

  1. Great letter Tiffany! We just moved too and it's incredible how adaptable these little ones can be! We expect the worst and then they amaze us! I hope you all have a great school year!
