I got inspiration from my dear friend and decided to post a picture of me and sister to show that the blog creator is not just a "ghost writer". More to blog, but so very tired. That and my kindergarterner is begging, begging, begging, for "just one more snack". He only had "1, not 2, or 3, or 4". He just needs one more. "Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more, Just need one more (sister interruptions) I just need one more, one more, I just need one more momma, I just need one more, I just need one more. I just need one more, I just need one more, i just need one more. Why are you laughing? Why are you copying me? Momma, why are you copying me on there? Momma, why are you copying me on there? Momma, why are you copying me on there? momma....I just need one more. I just need one more. "
SERIOUSLY!!! He repeated it that many times. I was laughing so hard that Mike had to come see what the heck I was doing it. (He thinks I am losing it....I am not convinced I am not.)